
SPECIAL REPORT: Avoid These 5 Metabolism-Killing
Foods And Start Melting Fat In LESS Than 24 Hours...

Take a look around your kitchen right now.

Odds are, there are certain foods lurking in your refrigerator and cupboards
right now that are wreaking havoc on your metabolism.

Did you know these foods literally FORCE your body to pack on stubborn, embarrassing belly fat? With every mouthful your arms get flabbier, your
thighs thicker and your belly gets bigger.

And it gets worse... Did you know these foods are robbing you blind of your
health, energy, vitality and well-being? They’re making you sick, tired,
depressed and can actually AGE you faster.

Yet, did you ALSO know, by clearing out these foods from your
cupboards, you can begin to REVERSE the damaging effects
these fat-storing foods have on your body.

With just a few small changes to your kitchen you can NOT ONLY
achieve the slim, slender, sexier body you’ve always wanted… But
feel yourself BURSTING with energy and even turn back the clock --
feeling younger than you have in YEARS!

This is not make-believe. You don’t need to pop any pills or restrict
yourself or follow some grueling workout regime to get these results.

Plus what I’m about to share works for anybody, male or female, at any age – even if you’re 40, 50, 60 years old and beyond you can STILL experience the energy, vibrancy and vitality of your early 20s.

Best of all you can begin to melt away that hard-to-get-rid-of ugly fat – and you’ll do it in LESS than 24 hours from now!

Hi, my name is Dr. Jonny Bowden.

Maybe you’ve heard of me. I regularly appear as a guest on CNN, Fox News and NBC and I was just on the Dr. Oz show for a featured segment on heart disease.

I’m a certified nutritionist, I hold a master degree in psychology, a PhD in nutrition and...

I’m ALSO a ‘ROYAL pain in the backside’ of the weight loss industry. In fact, that’s how I earned my nickname ‘The Rogue Nutritionist’.

I’ve made it my mission to share the REAL truth about YOU burning fat. Particularly stubborn, ugly belly fat.

You see, I know what it’s like to suffer from being overweight. I used to be a fat kid. Not an OUNCE of muscle on my body. My pudgy belly used to hang down over my pants.

And if YOU can’t lose the weight you want because you think you lack willpower or self-discipline, hold that thought for a moment. You’re in for a wonderful surprise.

I’ve taught my unique weight loss system to hundreds of men and women over the years. And their success always begins by uncovering the phantom fatty foods in their kitchen.

Identify these foods and you’re well on your way to reclaiming your naturally lean, youthful and energetic body.

First, I need to warn you: what you’re about to read flies in the face of conventional wisdom.

If you’ve seen my articles, videos or TV appearances you’ll know how I feel about the ‘diet dictocrats’ and the current state of the weight loss industry. So be warned, I don’t hold back.

Let me introduce you to…

These are the 5 Foods You Absolutely MUST Avoid
If You Want To Burn Off Belly Fat and REVERSE
The Aging Process While You Regain Youthful
Energy And Vitality… And Start Getting The Lean,
Sexy Body You Desire And Deserve…All In LESS
Than 24 Hours From Now!

Are you ready? Let's get started...


STOP Eating Corn (Immediately)

Corn, corn products and corn additives are EVERYWHERE!

It’s one of the primary causes of obesity in America.

In fact, did you know as much as 85% of US corn is genetically engineered (GMO)? Think Frankenfood.

It’s so bad, countries like Japan and Russia are saying “NO US CORN!” and refusing it at the ports.

And while real, authentic corn does have small (very small) amounts of vitamins and minerals, most of the corn we consume has been HEAVILY processed.

That means it’s been stripped naked of nutrients.

Even worse… corn is highly glycemic.

That usually means you get an unexpected FAT-PACKING WOLLUP,
an unwanted spike in blood sugar and insulin (i.e. your fat hormone).
Leading to a metabolic train wreck.

It’s also one of the top food allergens. And food allergens make you
bloated, retain water, give you diarrhoea and generally bring
your metabolism to its knees.

Except for the very occasional piece of home-cooked corn on the cob at a BBQ,
corn would be a good grain (yes, it’s botanically a grain) to stay away from.

But don’t stop there, if you can.

It’s time to check food labels. Obesity High Fructose CORN Syrup
is one of the primary ingredients in all sorts of processed foods
from cookies, cake, soda and even in so called healthy
foods like yogurt and bran muffins.


AVOID Agave Nectar Syrup Like the Plague

Again, you’re being deceived.

This so-called miracle health food, agave nectar syrup, is nothing more than high-fructose corn syrup masquerading as nutrition-packed health food.

And that makes it an absolute metabolism-killing disaster you need to avoid at ALL costs.

You can probably feel the fat accumulating around your waist every time you consume it.

But the big “selling point” of agave is its low-glycemic index, meaning it doesn’t raise your blood sugar quickly.

That’s fine – but gasoline has a low-glycemic index too. Doesn’t mean I want to drink it!

Agave is low-glycemic for ONE reason only – it’s mostly fructose -- the most metabolically damaging kind of sugar on the planet.

With the exception of pure fructose, agave has the highest fructose content of ANY sweetener. (High fructose corn syrup is about 55% fructose; Agave syrup is between 55-92% fructose!)

Sure, it may not raise your blood sugar but it DOES create insulin resistance.

In other words? It makes you even fatter!

Bonus: This deceptive sweetener also skyrockets your triglycerides and balloons ugly belly fat (you can thank Agave syrup for muffin tops and beer bellies). All of which puts you at greater risk for diabetes, heart disease and metabolic syndrome.


Throw Out the Canola Oil

Those sneaky food marketers are at it--AGAIN.

Canola oil is a triumph of marketing over facts. Unbelievably, it’s actually
rapeseed oil (derived from the rapeseed plant), but renamed for obvious

Rapeseed oil is pretty disgusting stuff.

In its natural state, it’s a putrid greenish color. It also has a high
concentration of erucic acid, which studies show may cause
heart damage.

To turn it into something marketable, food manufacturers remove
the erucic acid from the oil. Then they bleach it. Then they deodorize
it (because it stinks.) Then they degum the oil with various
chemicals, including hexane, a CHEMICAL SOLVENT.

Are you starting to get the real picture?

Because it contains some omega-3s, it shouldn’t be heated to
high heat (but frequently is). And the processing and refining
canola oil leads to the creation of extremely unhealthy
trans-fats. Trans fats can be metabolically damaging in multiple
ways -- increasing the risk for heart disease, depression and other
mental disorders, weight gain and embarrassing, ugly belly fat.

Dump this oil, and do it fast.

Otherwise, you may accidentally trigger your body’s “obesity response” in which layer upon layer of stubborn fat is marbleized on all over your body, especially between your organs.

However, on the next page, I’ll show you how to reverse that effect and trigger your "lean body response" instead.


STOP Eating Grains

This one may shock you, but let’s get one thing out of the way:
“Whole grains” ARE definitely better than processed grains.

The question is "how much better?" And the answer is... not much.

See, grains, unlike fruits and vegetables and most nuts, can
NEVER be eaten without some kind of processing.

You can’t pluck a stalk of wheat and start munching. It doesn’t
work that way.

Once whole grains have been processed, your digestive
enzymes make metabolic mayhem, converting all that starch
into pure sugar.

This spikes your fat hormone insulin, and tells your body to start packing it on.

To prevent this, simply add these 5 'flat belly foods' IN to your diet...


BEWARE of Foods High In Xenoestrogens

What are xenoestrogens? It’s a fancy word for compounds that
mimic female hormones like estrogen in the human body.

Unfortunately, our food supply is teeming with them.

Too much estrogen in your body, even if you’re a woman and no
matter where it comes from, leads to a condition known as "estrogen dominance".

And that’s definitely not a good thing.

Estrogen dominance can cause a nightmare of diseases like
weight gain, fibrocystic breast disease, bouts of PMS, migraines,
menstrual disturbances, endometriosis, fibroids, ovarian cysts
and yes, breast cancer.

So what’s the answer? To avoid ALL of the foods mentioned previously and instead FEAST on delicious foods that not only melt away stubborn, ugly fat but give you boundless energy and a fantastic mood.

I’ve spent the best part of my life spreading the word about my unique fat loss system. And it still amazes me how few people know about it.

Two-thirds of America is overweight. One-third is obese. And those numbers are climbing.

That’s why I believe, in a few years from now, doctors, dieticians and nutritionists will ALL be rushing to recommend this simple yet devastatingly effective method for triggering fat loss – particularly around the thighs, hips, waist and belly.

WARNING: This Unconventional, Fast-Acting Fat Loss Information May NOT Be For You...

Listen: I’ve spent my entire adult life banging my head against the brick wall of the weight loss industry and our government whose lies and propaganda are designed to keep corporations fat with profits while they KEEP us sick, tired and dependent on medication.

So if you think I’m full of it, that’s not a problem. It simply means this newly-released fat-melting system is probably NOT for you.

But--if you’re reading this article right now, I’m betting you’re open-minded enough to know that I’m onto something with my rather unconventional approach to weight loss. If that’s the case, I encourage you to take a few minutes and watch this fast-paced video presentation that will explain how it all works.

You’ll find out what happens to your body when you eat certain foods... how your cells literally expand and pile on the fat.

PLUS you’ll discover unexpected foods that do the EXACT opposite. The delicious, easy to find and eat foods that melt away your fat.

NO sweating bullets all day in the gym, NO expensive personal trainers to hire, NO avoiding all the foods you love to eat, and NO dangerous pills pop or silly ab-gadgets to use EVER again.

You’re not going to have to sweat bullets in the gym, hire a personal trainer, stop eating foods you love, pop dangerous pills or use any ab-gadget ever again.

Simply watch my presentation, still free to view for a limited time, and find out how eating certain foods really can give you the slim, slender sexy body you desire and deserve.

Just hit the 'next page' button below to go directly to the video presentation...