Do THIS Instead of Exercise
to Get a Flat Tummy

  • Doesn’t Require Drastic Changes to Your Diet
  • Doesn’t Require Expensive Supplements
  • Doesn’t Require Slaving Hours in the Gym
  • Simple Tips ANYBODY Can Do
  • Puts Your Fat-Burning on Auto-pilot

by Dr. Jonny Bowden, PhD, CNS aka “The Rogue Nutritionist”

Author of the Best-selling Unleash Your Thin Program

I’ve worked with hundreds of clients over the years to help them burn fat and get healthy. And if there’s one thing I’ve learned that’s key to their success, it’s this: keep it simple.

Yes, we’ve all heard that before, but how many of us actually DO that?

Most people who want to lose fat and gain health THINK they need to overhaul their diet and go extremely low carb. Or starve themselves by eating boring food that tastes like cardboard.

OR they think they need to spend HOURS at the gym pumping, cycling, jumping and sweating themselves into oblivion just to see results.

But NOTHING could be further from the truth.

Yes, a healthy diet that controls your blood sugar combined with routine exercise to improve your insulin sensitivity and cardiovascular health ARE important… eventually.

But if you keep procrastinating, saying “I’ll start next week” because you’re too intimidated… and then “next week” never comes… major diet change and daily exercise are worthless!

Here’s the secret – when you start making the following TINY little changes to your daily routine, you’ll start seeing immediate results – looser fitting clothes, more energy, a fantastic mood and more.

5 Simple Daily Habits that
Crank Up Your Metabolism…

1. This Takes Only 1 Minute…

When you’re stressed you become fat – period.

The worst part? Much of that stress-related fat shoots STRAIGHT to your belly.

And then that extra belly fat stresses you out even more – leading to a vicious cycle of stress-and-fat-gain.

But here’s a simple 1 minute habit that helps “de-activate” your stress right when it counts – immediately before you eat.

Before you sit down for your next meal, simply take four deep breaths. Breathe in deeply for a count of four… hold for four… exhale on four… hold for four and repeat.

Four deep breaths like this will relax you, lower your blood pressure and heart rate, and activate your parasympathetic nervous system. You’ll digest and absorb your food better.

Remember, all it takes is 1 minute and best of all you’ll feel absolutely FANTASTIC once your deep-breathing is done.

2. Don’t Eat After This…

Though conventional dietitians will tell you it doesn’t matter when you eat, they’re DEAD WRONG.

Timing your meals can make ALL the difference between becoming a fat-burning vs. a fat-storing machine. But it’s probably NOT the type of timing you’re thinking.

To maximize the amount of time your body is in fat burning mode, simply don’t eat after 8 p.m.

This means you take advantage of your sleep time AND the fact that when you wake up, you aren’t hungry for 1-3 hours.

Now that’s important because to start burning fat for energy, your body has to first burn through the energy it has stored as carbohydrates, which is called glycogen.

In one study at Penn State, two groups of mice were fed identical diets. And the group that got fed at night gained far more weight. Humans are no different.

“Your body is more prone to burn fat at certain times of day and store fat at other times”, Satchin Panda, associate professor in the Regulatory Biology Lab at the Salk Institute told Fox News.

To burn the most fat try going 12 hours without food, like between 8 PM and 8 AM. “(That) should give your body enough time to burn all of the stored glycogen plus some fat every night”, says Panda.

But if you do eat late, you risk putting your body in fat storing mode and your fat cells expand, as I explain here.

3. Sip This Throughout The Day…

Studies show that compounds in green tea – particularly EGCG, epigallocatechin gallate – can help you lose weight, specifically body fat.

The late, great Shari Lieberman, PhD, wrote, “Studies have shown that using green tea even without (dieting) causes weight loss – using it with a weight-loss eating plan should give you excellent results.”

In the “new habit” department, drinking green tea is low hanging fruit – it’s just so darn easy.

Pour hot water on a tea bag and you’re good to go. Or make a pitcher of ice tea and drink it all day.

The magic number of cups for maximum benefits seems to be four or five a day. How hard is that to do? Answer: Not very.

Many researchers believe that green tea works its magic because the antioxidant ECGC helps to trigger glucagon, the primary hormone that’s responsible for instructing your fat cells to release the fat it has stored to be burned. But ECGC is not alone – here are a few other powerful ways to convince your body to let go of unwanted fat.

4. Do This Before Every Meal…

Ok, this one is about as simple as it gets: Eat an apple 30 minutes before every meal.

This simple daily habit has almost too many benefits to count:

  • It naturally suppresses your appetite because it’s full of fiber…
  • It’s high in pectin, which limits the amount of fat your cells absorb…
  • It has antioxidants that control your blood sugar, switching your body into fat burning mode…

Plus, by eating a tasty apple before your main meal, you give a head start to the signals from your stomach to your brain that you have begun eating. That way you naturally consume fewer calories during your meal.

Just make sure that for your main meal you’re eating the types of foods that shift your metabolism from fat-storing mode, to fat burning mode – there are some good suggestions here.

5. Never Do THIS Between Meals…

This may seem a bit wacky given everything you’ve heard in tabloid magazines and morning talk shows, but trust me on this one.

Ever heard the old “gym wisdom” that it’s best to graze, snacking every two to three hours, or eating the equivalent of five to six “mini-meals” a day?

NOTHING could be further from the truth.

“If you snack just as your insulin level is decreasing, it will promptly rise, even if you have a good snack such as fruit and nuts”, says Eduardo Castro, MD, a specialist in fat loss resistance syndrome (FLRS).

“Would you rather have a few hours of making and storing fat (after a meal) followed by a few more hours of the same? Or a few hours of making and storing fat followed by a few hours of not making fat and burning it for energy?”

So, despite everything you’ve heard… assuming your main meals are built around protein and have lots of veggies… snacking is the LAST thing you want to do to burn fat.

Shocking, but true.

Here are some great ideas on how to get the RIGHT protein and veggies that maximize your fat burning potential – yummy!

“I LOVE These Metabolism-Boosting Tips –
How Can I Take My Fat Burning
to the Next Level?”

Great question, glad you asked!

Using this “keep it simple” strategy to kick-start your fat burning engine has been very, very successful for my clients over the years.

But sooner or later, I get the question about how they can do more – they’re now overflowing with motivation from having seen results…

…perhaps something that resembles a “six pack” has emerged…

…or maybe a co-worker asked them “hey, are you doing something new?”…

…or maybe they’ve had an energy boost, get deeper sleep or now have glowing skin.

Whatever their experience is, they just want MORE.

So I’ve put together a more advanced presentation that has helped them – and WILL help you – to take your own fat burning to the next level.

This is the step-by-step information and advice I used to give ONLY to my MOST successful clients. Now? I’m making it available to you here.

WARNING: This advice is NOT for everyone. This is only for you if you’re sick of the frustration of yo-yo dieting… sick of exercising too much and not seeing any results… sick of spending a fortune on fat-burning supplements that are just a waste of money.

In other words, this is ONLY for you if you’re ready to finally shift your metabolism from fat storing mode into fat burning mode – for good!

Here’s where you can get access…